Friday, 21 May 2010

W19 Friday

Tempo swim
1000 Meters
100% complete
I got all the way to the pool tonight, and realised I left my swim suit at home.  Luckily, TWO  other women there offered me a spare. One was a bikini (size 40), that was very nice for sun bathing, but all agreed: TOO Small.  The other was a great racing suit that fit well.

My coach commented that my head position looked much better. I felt strong. I completed 1100 meters feeling really good. My average heart rate was 123 - I focused on technique and counting my strokes for one length - first 19, I got it down to 16 - easy, gliding, smooth.  I can swim faster than some of the people in my slow lane, especially if I draft behind them, nearly tickling their feet. Then I have to slow down.  My left side breathing is not comfortable, and I can't "skate" easily on the left (with my left shoulder up and my  right arm extended). I will work on that.

I almost didn't go this evening. It's tough to leave the house at 9 pm on a Friday, but I am so glad I went. It turns out this is the last Friday night at the pool until Sept.  Open water starts in a couple weeks.  So I will need to re-jig my swim schedule a bit. This gives me more flexibility.  Tuesday's will still be coached.

I hope everyone's had a great day! 


  1. Glad to hear that you'll get a break in late evening workouts. Two a week would kill me, and I'm a night owl!

    Not long now until the Amsterdam Oly Tri, are you excited?

  2. Excited? Heck no. I'm still in denial.


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