Thursday, 17 June 2010

100 days

I am committed to my training. To doing what it takes. I have hay fever or something and slept in this morning, and took a colleague to lunch. That left evening. My younger son had his end-of the year violin concert at 6:15. We finished at 8:15. Rode my bike to the concert and then to the gym, on the way home. Lifted. Nice. I felt really strong. Then I got home and had some water and juice and dried apricots. And then went out with Odie for a "tempo" run. Planned 50 minutes. Ran 60 minutes. Took a different path in the dunes up into some hills, and then down to the water. At sunset and dusk. It was fabulous.

I was inspired by this essay by my coach entitled Evolving Goals.

It's way past my bedtime. So I'm signing off.

100 days.  On race day, I will be at my best ever.

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